Infographic See the Device Lifecycle, Simplified
6 reasons to rethink your device lifecycle management strategy
By Insight Editor / 12 Oct 2020 / Topics: Devices Hardware Procurement
By Insight Editor / 12 Oct 2020 / Topics: Devices Hardware Procurement
Ineffective device lifecycle management can create unnecessary costs, drain valuable IT resources and result in dissatisfied talent. See how the support of a professional device lifecycle services partner can help.
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There are billions of connected devices operating in the workplace. Managing those devices across their full lifecycles is critical to support a productive workforce and modern business priorities.
Servicing and supporting a spectrum of devices across their full lifecycles can be a daunting task, with each phase in the device lifecycle posing its own unique challenges.
Readiness includes choosing OEM(s) and best-fit devices for your workforce, evaluating existing architectures and security environments, and creating a transformational roadmap.
Procurement includes securing pricing programs and financing solutions, ensuring proper scalability and reporting features, and streamlining approval and sourcing.
Preparation includes setting up reserved and/or owned inventory, establishing standards for device provisioning and kitting, and defining imaging processes.
Deployment includes installing and configuring operating systems and applications, adding devices and user profiles, and leveraging zero-touch feature sets.
Maintenance includes managing inventory, delivering remote and on-site end-user support, and flexing and scaling to meet workforce and business needs.
End of life includes keeping up with refresh cycles, sustainably and cost-effectively disposing of assets, and performing validated data erasure.
The device lifecycle is a multiphased challenge, and failure to manage it effectively costs more than you might expect. Outdated devices cost more to maintain, drain valuable IT resources, and deter and dissatisfy talent.
Here are six more reasons why your organization might consider evolving your approach to device lifecycle management:
According to Gartner, “PCs continue to be the primary devices for day-to-day operations for most businesses, and still offer the richest options for interaction and functionality.” Additional research from Gartner shows, “PCs continue to make up the largest capital component in the annual IT budget for many enterprises.”
49% of employees consider an organization’s technology when applying for a position, and 44% would leave an organization with substandard technology.
85% of workers would prefer their organizations provide them with an ecosystem of tested and supported devices and accessories.
The top 3 capabilities used by remote workers are email and internet browsing (67%), office productivity applications such as spreadsheets and text editing (49%) and chat functionality (36%).
62% of employees say having the right device ecosystem makes them more motivated and engaged.
47% of IT leaders want to improve the way they use providers to streamline hardware lifecycles.
“The COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn has disrupted supply chains, manufacturing and logistics across the country, resulting in delayed product launches and spotty product delivery.”
“Gartner survey data suggests that up to 48% of workers will continue to primarily work remotely even after the current pandemic subsides.”
Device procurement, deployment and management during the COVID-19 pandemic has felt “very challenging” for more than 1/3 of IT professionals.
The No. 1 obstacle to efficient device lifecycle management is using multiple vendors to realize the full device lifecycle. Insight’s vision for streamlined lifecycle support brings expertise, resources and support to each phase of the device lifecycle.
Partnership with Insight enables your organization to ensure maximum uptime and device lifespans, bring device choices to employees without adding complexity, eliminate the time and hassle of managing multiple vendors, improve the end-user experience from refresh to support, and drive down device costs and employ modern management.
Experience a simplified device lifecycle that maximizes value, drives down device costs and enables modern management — all from one trusted partner.
Dell. (2019). The Workers’ Experience Survey.
Gartner, Market Guide for Enterprise Desktops and Notebooks, 24 June 2019.
Gartner, Market Guide for Enterprise Desktops and Notebooks, 21 September 2020.
Insight. (2020, Sept. 21). Empowering Employee Success. Insight Tech Journal.
Insight. (2020, June 4). 2020 Insight Intelligent Technology Pulse: The Impact of COVID-19 on Business Readiness.
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