On-demand webinar Strengthen Your Defense Without Increasing Your Budget With Microsoft 365 E5
By Insight Editor / 10 Nov 2022 / Topics: Cybersecurity Software Microsoft 365
By Insight Editor / 10 Nov 2022 / Topics: Cybersecurity Software Microsoft 365
Businesses are seeking ways to minimize disruptions to day-to-day operations. Maintaining continuity requires reliable solutions for collaboration, compliance and analytics — as well as and security services such as identity and access management, endpoint protection, email protection, and intrusion detection and prevention.
In this free webinar, Joe Flynn, director of services at Insight, shares an introduction to Microsoft® Azure® E5 and how it can help you achieve operational confidence.
You’ll learn:
Modern Workplace Director and Distinguished Technologist, Insight
With over 25 years of experience in the IT industry, Joe loves that technology constantly changes and provides new challenges, pushing him to learn more every day. As a leader for a vendor-agnostic organization, Joe is equipped to advise clients on the solutions that drive the best value for their business. He is a champion across many technologies and approaches knowledge-sharing not as a one-time project but as a continued mindset.
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