Article Digital Natives are Entering the Job Market. How Does that Affect the Service Provider Business?

By Insight UK / 18 Feb 2022 / Topics: Cloud
By Insight UK / 18 Feb 2022 / Topics: Cloud
Since the millennials have entered the job market, the working culture has changed rapidly. The new generation is never off-line. For them, connecting to the internet is like running water from a tap. They cannot imagine a life without constant interaction with the outside world. As they have grown up in a world full of technology, they want to use it to its full potential. That also applies to their workplace. What is more convenient than checking your business mail in the evening or working on your project document undisturbed at home during the weekend? People are most productive when they are inspired, and that doesn't always have to coincide with office hours.
The demand for flexibility isn't exclusively coming from millennials. In fact, since the COVID pandemic, the whole world has experienced the advantages of remote working. For most of us, the boundary between private life and work has blurred in the past years. And let's face it: most people like their new working-from-home privileges and are not eager to return to the office full-time. Funnily enough, the older employees seem most reluctant to get back to their office desks. The newbies may be keen on their independence, freedom, and flexibility, but they are also eager to meet people face-to-face. They want to show themselves to the world, build their network and prove their worth.
The new workforce is an external factor to keep in mind. But the MSP business also faces other challenges in finding and keeping the talented workforce they need. All IT staff is hard to find, let alone qualified and skilled IT engineers with a broad knowledge of the cloud. It takes years of learning to become an expert in cloud architecture, security, migration, disaster recovery, or compliance. Besides, cloud technology is still evolving, and it takes constant effort to keep up with all the developments.
Recruiting staff becomes increasingly complicated for Service Providers. Since COVID, more people are interested in working in IT, but they generally lack the technical skills. Some Service Providers set their hopes on mergers and acquisitions since it automatically leads to more movement on the job market. Still, the most talented IT engineers are out of reach for the average Service Provider. They are simply too expensive to hire. A better option is to attract newcomers to the job market and train them yourself.
The key to recruit young talent for your business is to address their interests and needs. What does the new generation expect from an employer? What motivates young professionals? The most wanted future employees are smart, ambitious, and eager to learn. Needless to say they want good working conditions: a fair salary, job security and flexible working hours. But they also want to enjoy their work and feel they are contributing something to society.
It takes a lot of money to recruit new talent, so make sure your money is well-spent. If you have the right people, retain them. The best way to do so is to create a positive working culture that stimulates trust and growth. The new generation doesn't like to be told what to do but is definitely open to coaching on the job. With a straightforward training programme and continuous personal guidance, you can set yourself apart from other employers and keep your most talented workers on board. And that is just what your business needs: as long as you can retain new employees, the future looks bright.
At Insight, we help service providers realize their business ambitions in a multi-cloud world. As a multi-vendor software licensing, workload, and cloud platform specialist, we can guide you through all stages of your strategic cloud journey. No matter where you are in your journey, we help you to find new ways forward and accelerate your business. Contact one of our cloud specialists for a talk.
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