Article Is performance efficiency MSP’s answer for future success?

By Insight UK / 1 Oct 2021 / Topics: Cloud
By Insight UK / 1 Oct 2021 / Topics: Cloud
Many MSPs are at a crossroads in their business. The cloud is here to stay, and the question on MSPs' minds in particular is what the business will look like in five years' time.
You have your own data centre, but by now you also know the advantages of the cloud. For example, when it comes to technology, agility or availability for your IT architecture.
The answer is performance efficiency. Increasing the performance of your computing resources contributes significantly to future business success and supports growth.
Performance efficiency gets a tremendous boost when you move your on-premise architecture to the cloud. Of course, you don't have to go completely serverless at once; a hybrid approach is a perfect strategy. A widely recognized benefit of the cloud is that you no longer have physical servers running that you must constantly keep up-to-date with new technology, patches, security updates, etc. This all happens behind the scenes at the cloud vendor. In this way your performance is always optimized while at the same time you free up scarce personnel for other work.
Higher performance efficiency also means being able to respond more quickly to customer demands. An expansion, takeover or close-down of a part of the company. Unlike in your own data centre, in the cloud you can simply scale and switch resources on and off. Locally, but just as easily to other European countries and even worldwide. Without high investments and associated (financial) business risks. What if, a year later, your customer decides to sell off his new branch after all?
Or perhaps think about tests you would like to run. For example, because a customer wants to do a pilot for a new business activity. With virtual and automatable resources, you quickly run comparative tests with different types of instances, configurations or storage and respond to the speed of the market. Always performing spot-on.
For a good user experience, low latency is more important than ever. Crucial to this is the way the infrastructure is set up and performs, the location of specific components of networks, servers and storage and how they are connected.
On-premise performance is limited by the physical hardware. Think of fixed disk capacity, processing power, throughput speeds. In the cloud you are more flexible and therefore more efficient. This does not just have an impact on technical capabilities, but perhaps even more on the business: low latency addresses the growing importance and demand for speed and faster user experiences, which can become a crucial competitive differentiator.
The crossroads you as an MSP are currently on is how to smartly improve the performance efficiency of your architecture and your services for what your customers demand today and certainly in the future. What turn will you take for a healthy business future: the highway or the backroad to the cloud?
MSPs are looking for new ways to stay relevant for their customers. Increasing performance efficiency is one example where success can be gained. We at Insight have been working with partners like you across Europe for many years, providing valuable time, knowledge and support in many (hybrid) cloud scenarios.
Contact one of our cloud specialists to find out how we can support you in optimising your cloud costs in line with your business goals, whether you are designing your first workloads in the cloud or work entirely cloud-based.
This article is part of a series based on Microsoft’s WAF (Well-Architected Framework), where you find much more helpful guidance. WAF improves the quality of workloads operating in the cloud by focusing on a set of common architecture principles, including cost optimisation, operational excellence, performance efficiency, reliability and security.
As a multi-vendor software licensing, workload and platform specialist, we can guide you through all stages of your strategic cloud journey with a series of workshops, assessments, services and best practices, from the first exploration of cloud or hybrid opportunities and benefits to support and optimisation after migration. So no matter where you are in your journey, we help you find new ways forward and accelerate your business.
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