Infographic: You Just Migrated to Office 365. So Did All Your Sensitive Data.
Making the switch to Office 365® can help your organisation improve mobile productivity and reduce costs. But baseline security features may not be enough to keep your data secure in the cloud environment. In this infographic, learn about potential risks and ensure you’re prepared to protect your accounts against the most common cyberattacks.
Accessibility note: The infographic is translated below the graphic.

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Infographic text included for screen readers:
You just migrated to Office 365. So did all your sensitive data.
Your move to the cloud brings new opportunities as well as new security concerns.
What security and compliance risks do you face in the cloud?
- 68% of organizations have employees who exhibit high-risk behavior in cloud accounts.1
“Although many security tools are offered in the standard contract through Microsoft, it’s imperative that Office 365 customers don’t skip over the fundamental basics.”
Jeff Falcon, Principal Security Architect, CDW
- 66% of malware is installed via email attachments.2
- 90% of incidents and breaches included a phishing element.2
- 28% of phishing attacks were targeted.2
- 46% more ransomware variants were identified in 2017.3
4,400,000 broadly shared emails contain compliance-related data.1
What could a breach cost your company?
Average cost of a cloud data breach: $2,800,000
“We see a lot of instances of people having their Office 365 accounts taken over.”
Adrian Covich, Senior Technical Sales Manager, Symantec
Average cost by industry1
- $1.5M Education
- $2.3M Financial
- $11.5M Health
- $1.2M Telecom
- $145K Consumer
- $531K Business Services
- $523K Technology
How are you helping to safeguard Office 365?
Office 365 is #1 in popularity among enterprise cloud apps.4
“As companies migrate to Microsoft Office 365 and other cloud applications, they are not always aware of potential threats…”
Mark Bowker, ESG Senior Analyst
“Office 365 offers baseline security features baked in and ready to go… but to get to the maximum security, you have to make an effort to add capabilities and turn them on.”
Payton Moyer, President and COO, MLS Technology Group
57% listed Office 365 as one of the top 5 applications in need of user access and data loss prevention controls.2
Office 365 has built-in security.
But end-to-end threat protection is your responsibility.
Now what?
Get the Guide to Protecting Microsoft Office 365, from ESG.
1 Symantec 2018 Shadow Data Report
2 ESG Research: A Guide to Protecting Microsoft Office 365 from Security Threats
3 Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, Volume 23
4 Okta Business @ Work 2018